What we deliver to our customers operating within the agriculture market.
What we deliver to our customers operating within the agriculture market.
Durable built conveyor belts.
At Konings Transportbandenbouw we have more than 25 years of experience in building conveyor belts. Our conveyors belts distinguish in their reliability and that’s what makes our customers happy. Within the agricultural market, our conveyor belts are most of the time used for transporting manure.
Removes the poultry manure in your farmhouse.
Our complete poultry manure removal system, systematically removes the manure in your poultry house. The floor scraper system moves the manure to the back end of the poultry house, where it wil be taken away by a poultry removal conveyor belt.
Dry the manure at the farmhouse.
Our poultry manure drying system with spreader, moves and spreads the poultry manure in the right way in your storage house. The optimal spreading ensures a great drying of the manure, which resultates in a lighter total weight of the manure.
A manure pit is no longer needed.
Our Floor Conveyor enables poultry manure removal, without a manure pit. The frameless system contributes to a hygienic house climate. The belt is placed on your existing floor.
Please make a call or send us an email. We would like to give an advice.